Thursday, November 5, 2009

35 Days Hiv Test Is Good

Exit Ghost

Here few minutes now I'm trying to figure out how to start this post. Exit Ghost is my last reading and I can not say what did I learn, felt, what I wish to convey.

Is what I liked? Yes ... and no. I can not find this book very successful. It is full of common sense. It shows old age, illness and the changes it implies (or not). Aging physically does not necessarily mean old in his head and if so, how do we live with (or without, in fact ...)? How does it feel when you are nearer the end than the beginning? And how the desire to live 70 years? The "moments irresponsible "that they only affect young people?

So yes there is a story, good words, a use of language and certainly a good translation ... but I went after this book thinking find the heart and either I missed a page or I missed the sentence but ...

Unless the theme of old age not moved me more than I am willing the admit it ... I dunno Poa.

One thing though: the narrator is a writer, meets at 70 years a "love" of 30 years, love that tries to overcome by writing a play. The content of this piece we delivered over the story (sometimes veeeeeery long). Bah and I found these passages very boring ... Sorry. : /

I scored well but I have removed pages. I'm disappointed. Fortunately I had borrowed from the library and not bought! And fortunately, the next being disséquage is much better!

Roth, Philip - Exit Ghost, Gallimard, August 2009.


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